Sep 13, 2022
Have you ever felt like growing your business is a little like climbing a mountain… with a backpack full of rocks? The truth is, it doesn’t have to be that hard. And easier growth could be as simple as aligning your strategies with your timing.
Pinpointing which stage your business is in can help you unlock insights specific to that stage—and help you sustain growth. Because even if you have the right answer, if you’re using that strategy at the wrong time, you’re only making growth harder on your whole organization.
Our latest guest, Matthew Pohl, is Principal of the ReWild Group. He’s spent nearly two decades as an entrepreneur and business owner, and has personally experienced the impact of the ReWild methodology when it helped his business value grow 10X in three years. He currently advises business owners on building resilient organizations through leadership, infrastructure, strategy, and culture.
Listen to the full episode for our conversation on the 7 stages of growth a business goes through, which rules apply to which stages, why business owners and organization leaders plateau, and more.
Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn:
Resources Mentioned in This Episode: