Apr 19, 2022
Many might hear the word “hypnotism” and think counseling session, or a Hollywood movie about someone being put into a trance. But hypnotism is much more than that. It’s actually a powerful tool to tap into the unconscious mind—which can be used for both personal and professional growth.
The latest guest on the Measure Success Podcast is an expert on how to help people use their subconscious beliefs to impact their day-to-day behavior (and growth trajectory). Tim Shurr, MA, has advanced degrees in psychology, is one of the world’s top hypnotists, multi-book author, and is the founder of the One Belief Away Hypnosis Method. Through 32 years of experience, he discovered how to quickly eliminate anxiety and self-sabotage, while skyrocketing productivity and leadership impact.
In this episode, he talks with host Carl J. Cox about why hypnotism can be such a powerful tool in business, why working through personal trauma or anxiety can make you a better leader, what emotional freedom means (and how leaders can use it to grow their companies), and more. Tune in for the full conversation!
Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn:
Resources Mentioned in This Episode: