Mar 24, 2024
Walk the Line is a film directed by James Mangold based on Johnny Cash’s book of the same name. The film follows Johnny’s life from his early days on a Arkansas cotton farm to his rise of fame at Sun Records. It also showcases the love story between Johnny and June Carter.
00:00 - DMP Ad
:30 - Introduction
:46 - The Film Facts
7:52 - The Pickup Line
9:00 - Johhny’s childhood
14:08 - Actors portraying villains
18:47 - Stars trying to kick drugs
25:40 - Actors process to get into character
39:19 - Head Trauma
39:51 - Smoochie, Smoochie, Smoochie
40:12- Driving Review
42:10 - To the Numbers
References from the episode:
Mid Mangold direct the last Indian Jones film? - Yes
Where was Phedon Papamichael? Athens Greece
What is the Etymology of stupid?
Next week’s film will be The Sixth Sense (1999)
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