Aug 18, 2024
We are going to be talking about Groundhog Day, but only once I could win mom joke. We watch this on Apple for 399, it is from the year 1993 it is a Harold Ramis directed film. He also did Caddyshack, Stripes, vacation, Ghostbusters, all the good 80s movies. It stars Bill Murray Andy McDowell, Chris Elliott and Stephen toblowski, who played Ned.
00:00 - DMP Ad
:30 - Introduction
:46 - The Film Facts
3:06 - The Pickup Line
6:07 - Unique premise & character development
13:09 - Bill Murray’s performance
19:41 - Film details and fashion
22:52 - Head Trauma
23:56 - Smoochie, Smoochie, Smoochie
24:19- Driving Review
26:49 - To the Numbers
Next week’s film will be A Chorus Line (1985)
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