The Dr. Vibe Show™

Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company.

As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education.

Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy.

During the September 12, 2018 edition of Staggers State Of Things, Ms. Staggers talked about:

– Aretha Franklin’s funeral
– The New York Time’s I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration anonymous op-ed
– Bob Woodward’s book about 45’s presidency
– Kamala Harris, Cory Booker during Brett Kavanaugh’s US Supreme Court hearings
– Michelle Obama’s upcoming book Becoming
– The opiod problem while she lives (117 overdoses in one day)
– Serena Williams and her outburst at the US Open
– Andrew Gillum winning the Democratic nomination for Governor of Florida, Ayanna Pressley’s winning the primary for Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional District and what the Democratic party needs to win the upcoming midterm and presidential elections in America
– The need for youth to be more involved in politics more than just voting
– Nike’s 30th anniversary ad

You can find more about Ms. Staggers via:

Atlanta Black Star
YouTube – I Wish U Heaven – Prince Tribute Playlist

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe