The Dr. Vibe Show™

Black Canada Talking™ is a live online event that provides Black Canadians opportunity to give their takes and POVs on stories that are of importance to them.

Recently, our guest on a recent episode of Black Canada Talking™ was Ryan Hinkson.

Ryan is a creative stalwart and modern-day pioneer who epitomizes the term content creator. A marketing genius who truly revolutionized the art of food and drink content creation.

A self-made entrepreneur, Ryan is the face and soul behind the ever-popular Instagram account @EatFamous. Arguably one of the most sought after food culturalists in the country, Ryan has used his platform to elevate both brand and cause with his unique style and technique. With an organic following of over 270K followers and a hashtag that has been used over 4 million times, Ryan continues to amass a fleet of Fortune 500 clientele seeking his expertise.

Recently, Ryan was on our show.

During our conversation, Ryan talked about:

– Some of his background including being a picky eater when he was growing up, wanting to be a rapper, both of us being at The Roots first concert in Toronto
– What was he doing before becoming a food culturalist
– The story behind Eat Famous
– The moment he decided to be a full time entrepreneur and his family’s reaction
– Ryan’s first year being an full time entrepreneur
– The qualities that his parents instill in him that carries with him today
– The most enjoyable piece that Ryan likes about entrepreneurship
– What is a food culturalist
– How many Black men were doing what he is doing when he started his food culturalist journey and his relationships with other Black Toronto food creatives, the growth of Black food culturalists
– The change with companies reaching out to Black creatives
– Not all money being good money
– The first big win of the Eat Famous journey
– If Ryan could start his own restaurant in Toronto, where would it be located and what kind of food would be featured?
– For new food businesses, what would Ryan recommend that they market and promote about their business first while in pursuit of repeat business?
– The percentage of restaurants that Ryan has visited that he would give a “thumbs up”
– Some things that make restaurants unsuccessful
– Food business marketing companies to other industries marketing
– Where does he see Eat Famous five years from now

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Category:general -- posted at: 9:22pm EDT