The Dr. Vibe Show™

Dr. Marcus Bright is a Political Commentator and the Executive Director of Education for a Better America. He previously served an Adjunct Professor of Public Administration and Political Science at Lynn University, Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University. Bright received a Bachelor’s Degree in Government and World Affairs from the University of Tampa, a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Florida International University, and a Ph.D. in Public Administration from Florida Atlantic University.

Dr. Bright was our show talking about his article Broken Dreams And Financial Illusions: The Secret Depression Of Black Men and Part 2 – Solutions for Broken Dreams and Financial Illusions: The Secret Depression of Black Men.

During our conversation, Dr. Bright talked about:

– Some of his background including where did he get his value about education from and what did his parents and grandparents instill in him and applying for three years before getting into medical schools
– Where did he get his inspiration to write
– The background behind both articles
– Insight about both articles and the reaction to them
– some of the causes of this situation and the effects it is having on Black men and the Black community
– What is Africa America’s role in this issue

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe