The Dr. Vibe Show™

Are you stuck trying to figure out your life’s purpose? Are you ready to take your life to the next level? It took Dr. Sims getting fired after working 30 years as an electrical engineer to realize he was in the wrong lane. Is this you? Are you realizing that you are in the wrong lane? You have amassed some success, but you have this nagging feeling that something is missing. Can you answer this question, Why were you born?

Dr. Walter Sims, a dynamic motivational speaker, certified spiritual, mental toughness, relationship, and positivity life coach, and award author, Living Motivated – The Beattitudes of Living a Motivated Life, knows what it takes to live a life on purpose. He understands your fears and limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck.

A spiritual leader by profession, Dr. Sims holds a Master of Ministry degree, Doctorate of Divinity degree, as well as a professional life coach certification. Dr. Sims aims at empowering persons towards significant increases in self esteem, focus, clarity, and productivity by helping them realize their life’s purpose.

As a life coach, Dr. Sims will support you in designing your life of purpose that you are fully engaged in, that is joyful and challenging with reduced stress and distractions that can threaten your peace of mind. Many of Dr. Sims clients also experience growth and a new awakening in their spiritual life because now they understand what it means to live a life on purpose.

Dr. Sims message to you:

“Your situation is not your destination; it OUGHT to be your motivation.”

Recently, Dr. Sims was on our show to talk about Living On Purpose. Some of the things that Dr. Sims shared about were:

– Some of his background including his twenty five years as a pastor and thirty years as an electrical engineer
– Why did he initially stayed away from being a minister
– While growing up, what did his father, his mother and his community teach him
– Some lessons that he learned as an engineer and when was his time to become a coach
– How he is winning his wife over in regards to his coaching
– The importance of knowing your why
– His five steps to living on purpose
– What does serving look like
– Some information about his coaching business including why he feels most of his clients are women,
– Do men and women approach purpose differently
– How did he get so many followers on Twitter (over 15,000), how has coaching changed him, how does he coach now believers and how does he approach being a pastor versus being a coach
– The story behind Living Motivated – The Beattitudes of Living a Motivated Life

You can find out more about Dr. Sims via:

Minister of Motivation™ TV
Phone: (205) 225-9757

Dr. Walter Sims
PO Box 10126
Dothan, AL 36304

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe