Fri, 8 April 2011
Simon Alexander is a 28 year old self employed up and coming "social media mogul" He was originally born in Inglewood, New Jersey and now currently resides in Washington, D.C. He graduated from Florida State University with a Degree in Creative Non-Fiction and Journalism and Minor in Film. He later went to attain a Masters Certification in Editing and Publishing. He worked as a Capitol Hill reporter for the Washington Informer for a year covering Barack Obama's transition into The White House back in 2008. In 2009, he decided to operate solely online because he found out that he could make more money writing articles online than for a brick and mortar publication. He is now involved in using social networks to promote his own content and also making money from promoting the content of others, helping people increase their Twitter followers, selling products and drawing traffic to his blogs. During our interview, we chat about his journey including why he decided to attend law school and when and why he decided to operate solely online. We also chat about the following social media topics: - The Stigma of Social Media - Spammer information get rich quick multi level marketing pyramid scheme culture versus real people making money in a new wave age market - SEO (search engine optimization) - The Fascination with "New" verses "Old" - The Benefit of Loose Regulations on Internet Business - The future of Facebook and Twitter - Anonymity verses Identity on the web Here is a list of Simon's sites: Simon Alexander Blog: WATCHAWAWOO: Viral Marketing Monsters: You can contact Simon via Skype at: Sim0nAlexander Please feel free to email us at If you live in North America, you can leave us a message at 1-866-280-9385 (toll free). Please feel free to "Like" the "The Vibe and Vegas Show" Facebook fan page at God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith, Vibe and Vegas
Category:Citizen Journalism -- posted at: 1:24pm EST |