Tue, 14 July 2009
In today's society is attacking the Black family. We are at a critical time for Black families. There are so many challenges. If our families don't stay strong, we as a people cannot be strong.In today's episode, Vibe speaks with Sharon Joseph and Anthony Makkas from Breakaway Relief Care. Breakaway Relief Care was formed in 2003 in Toronto. It is a community based organization committed to providing leadership, counselling and opportunities to serve families with a full array of innovation and effective programs such as social services youth mentoring and education. Breakaway Relief Care's goal is to equip our youth to reach goals they have set for themselves. They develop individual plans to address the needs of Toronto's ethno-racial population and cultural strength. Here is the contact information for Breakaway Relief Care:emailfamiliesinaction@gmail.com (email)breakawayreliefcare@yahoo.ca (email)www.211Toronto.ca (website)(416) 635-1457 (telephone)We welcome your comments, suggestions and feedback, you can email us at info@blackcanadianman.com.God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,Vibe and Vegasinfo@blackcanadianman.com
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