Jun 28, 2022
24 specific prophecies need to be fulfilled before Jesus returns. 12 are already completed, 12 more will rapidly arrive soon. The 24th event will be the most spectacular day in all human history! What happens on this one day...
Jun 28, 2022
God tells us evil will grow in the last days. This is caused by the spiritual forces of wickednessin the heavenly places. Some believers feel we can change this, but God tells us otherwise. Godoffers directions to comfort us until His return
Jun 19, 2022
Wars rumors of wars famines and earthquakes have been with humanity since the beginning of time. God tells us within his 24 end time prophecies, He needs to complete a few more things before Jesus will return in the clouds. All amazing!
Jun 19, 2022
Is Satan a scary ugly red being with horns? No! Lucifer A.K.A. Satan was God’s most beautiful cherub. Pridecaused him to think he could be equal to God. We need understanding of what Satan is doing to comprehend our world...
Jun 8, 2022
Some people tell us that all of creation was completed in 6,000 years. They say this to support that evolution is not possible. Does God say this? The answer is both yes and no! It revolvesaround Satan! 6,000 years holds great importance!