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Conquer Addiction with Ken and Sonya Pounders

Dec 20, 2022

It’s Christmastime! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 700 years before the birth of Christ the prophet Isaiah delivered a stunningly accurate prediction of the coming of the Christ and all that He would accomplish. This gift of the Son of God is the greatest gift ever given and is the key to victory over sin...

Dec 13, 2022

Ken and Skylar discuss the people who had the most impact in their lives and were instrumental in equipping them to conquer addiction, and for both of them, those people had never used drugs or alcohol. The key to freedom is  found in Christ alone. When we are bound by addiction (or anything for that matter) we...

Dec 6, 2022

Ken and Sonya reminisce about the Outreach Ministries of Alabama Woman’s Home and the ladies who helped establish it in the late 70’s and cast the vision to reestablish that Woman’s facility in the coming year. 

The Conquer Addiction Podcast is designed to deliver real, Scriptural, and time-tested solutions...