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Conscious Embodiment: Astrology and Dreams with Dr. Michael Lennox

May 30, 2022

For the week of May 30th we want our actions to be in alignment with our thinking. Slow down and listen to your heart.

This week we have special guest, Somatic Healing Practitioner, Brian Mahan.

May 23, 2022

For the week of May 23rd we ask, how can I ground my communication to come from a loving place. Choice making Mars feels at home in Aries and for the next six weeks we have access to powerful movement, what direction will you focus this movement on?

This week we talk to a dreamer about transcendent feelings in dreams.

May 16, 2022

For the week of May 16th, the sudden unexpected pivots of this spring ramp up, so trust that your heart is more open than it has ever been.

This week we chat about fish symbology in dreams.

May 9, 2022

For the week of May 9th, it’s time to take action, so know what you want to create and feel it! This full moon brings an immense opportunity to release. Remember, you can’t sprint forward if you don’t release your baggage.


This week we explore wolf medicine in dreams.

May 2, 2022

For the week of May 2nd we move into a very different landscape for the rest of this month. We are asked to be more comfortable with vulnerability as we are given the opportunity to heal wounds passed down to us, courtesy of Black Moon Lilith.

This week we explore the meaning of foxes and partners in our dreams.