Oct 25, 2021
For the week of October 25th we are in Scorpio Season, and Mercury wraps up his Triple Transits towards the end of the week.
This week we talk about petitioning your dreams!
Oct 18, 2021
For the week of October 18th Mercury goes Direct, there is a a Full Moon in Aries that Squares Pluto, Mars Squares Pluto, and Mercury and Uranus form their third Inconjunct. Registration for Advanced Astrology opens this Wednesday the 21st!
This week we explore reoccurring shadow dreams.
Oct 11, 2021
For the week of October 11th we dive into what a retrograde is, Venus is in Sagittarius and Trines Chiron this weekend, Mercury is making some unexpected shenanigans rise up, the Sun Trines Jupiter and Squares Pluto this weekend.
This week we explore ancestry and past lives in our dreams.
Oct 4, 2021
For the week of October 4th there is a New Moon in Libra, Chiron is in Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th, and the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury’s Retrograde happens on the 9th.
This week we explore Hamlet and how dreams reflect our waking life.