Dec 26, 2022
For the week of December 26th, we have created hearts that are capable of loving more fully even in hard moments. Finish the year more open, ready to face life in the challenging year to come.
This week we talk about being drunk in our dreams.
Dec 19, 2022
For the week of December 19th, take time to set intentions for the new year. Though it appears dark outside, we look to the light within us.
This week we talk about messages from our inner self coming through in our dreams.
Dec 12, 2022
Pick up some tools for healing this mars retrograde and you will move faster and further than you could imagine.
This week we talk about pregnancy in dreams.
Dec 5, 2022
For the week of December 5th, the truth we marinate in this lunar cycle helps us to release things even if they are scary. This release will show up as new behaviors this spring.
This week we talk about the symbolism of a never-ending mall.
Nov 28, 2022
For the week of November 28th, it’s a great week to work on your manifestation desires, but as an inside job!
This week we talk about the symbolism of red hair in dreams.