Jan 30, 2023
For the week of January 30th, we are aligned with forgiveness and empathy as we have a greater understanding of our gifts.
This week we talk about our fears of inadequacy showing up in our dreams.
Jan 23, 2023
For the week of January 23rd, it is a good week to think out of the box and make new choices from healed spaces.
This week we talk about witches, fermented fruits, and authenticity in dreams.
Jan 16, 2023
For the week of January 16th, be gentle with yourself and the goals you have been embarking on.
This week we talk about the ways our childhood shows up in our dreams,
Jan 9, 2023
For the week of January 9th we confront shadow material as our goals and ambitions become clearer.
This week we talk about moving in our dreams.
Jan 2, 2023
For the week of January 2nd we ask, what ways do I habitually perceive my life that needs to be released? Drop a few things so you can climb up the mountain this Capricorn season.
This week we talk about bird medicine in our dreams.