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May 31, 2023

Sam Miller has more than a decade of experience as a health, fitness, and nutrition coach. 

His programs help coaches and health professionals improve their clients’ results. 

A popular online educator, podcast host, and mentor, he consistently offers simple, strategic methods for transformation and translates complex concepts into leverage for any health and fitness goal.

His workshops, classes, and specialization programs have served over 2,500 coaches worldwide. He has been a featured speaker for companies like LinkedIn and a content contributor for industry titans such as Barbell Shrugged, Muscle Intelligence, T-Nation, Elite FTS, and more. 

He is a certified nutritionist and licensed, board-certified health practitioner who holds a master’s degree from North Carolina State University and a Bachelor of Science from Elon University.

To learn more about RAPID Health Optimization, please visit to see a free lab, lifestyle, and performance analysis from Dr. Andy Galpin and Dan Garner


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Sam Miller Science Website

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