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The Intimate Marriage Podcast, with Intimacy Coach Alexandra Stockwell, MD

Dec 21, 2022

In this episode you’ll hear me coach Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin, a polyamorous woman with a podcast focused on polyamory, swinging, and all things related. I was scheduled to be a guest on her show, The Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin Podcast, but instead of a typical interview I ended up giving her a coaching session instead!

A week before we spoke, Jennifer faced a major challenge in her relationship. She told her partner that she was interested in dating a couple she knows. Her partner is typically ok with flirting and fun sexy socializing but he did not take well to this idea at all. He immediately rejected it and said he would move out rather than stand by her moving forward with this plan.

Jennifer was faced with three choices: move forward without his permission, leave her partner, or dial down and disconnect from her desires. She chose the third option.

That’s where our conversation begins.

In this unique episode you’ll hear:

  • How I coached Jennifer and reframed her views on compromise
  • The ways Jennifer communicated her desire for polyamorous experiences to her partner
  • My advice to Jennifer to communicate using curiosity and openness 

…plus much more.


The way I coach Jennifer will show you how to feel more connection, more emotional intimacy, and more erotic gratification in your relationship, whether you are in a strictly monogamous relationship, or not.

The Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin Podcast

Link to full video on Youtube:

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If you're ready to create the deliciousness and joy of a growth-oriented, passionate relationship, visit:

If you’re ready for your relationship to feel as good on the inside as it looks on the outside, get started with the FREE first chapter from Alexandra’s acclaimed bestselling book “Uncompromising Intimacy” HERE

Purchase a FULL copy of “Uncompromising Intimacy” HERE


About Alexandra Stockwell, MD

Her mission is to change the cultural narrative around long-term relationships from one of ongoing stagnation and compromise to the delectable joy and deep gratification a couple feels while building passion and excitement together, every day.

For over two decades, she’s been guiding men and women to bring pleasure and purpose into all aspects of life— from the daily grind of running a household to creating ecstatic experiences in the bedroom—all while maintaining extraordinary professional success!
Alexandra Stockwell, MD supports family happiness through facilitating healing and joy for couples.