May 29, 2024
In this episode of the Intimate Marriage Podcast, Alexandra Stockwell, MD, is joined by her husband, Rodd Stockwell, MD, to discuss empty nesting and its impact on their marriage. They reflect on a pivotal moment when Rodd expressed concern about what their relationship would look like once their children left home and they had more time with one another. Dr Alexandra expresses how this concern functioned as a catalyst for her to wake up and work on her marriage, eventually leading to her professional evolution and ongoing dedication to coaching couples toward deeper intimacy and strategies to keep the spark alive in long-lasting marriages.
Also in this episode:
Becoming empty nesters brings up concerns about the basis of a couple's connection, but this transition offers an opportunity for growth and rediscovery.
Time set aside for a couple's intimacy, like overnight dates, is crucial for maintaining and enhancing a romantic connection–this is the time when the children's needs no longer dominate your attention.
Authentic communication and a deliberate focus on each other's desires transform the marriage dynamic ahead of and during the empty nest phase.
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This Podcast Is Produced, Engineered & Edited By: Simplified Impact