Nov 30, 2022
In my intimacy coaching business, over the years many women have reached out and expressed interest in working with me, while also sharing a lot of frustration because their husband “wasn’t interested in doing the work.” However, anytime one of those husbands chose to have a short conversation with me, it turned...
Nov 23, 2022
There are many different ways for a couple to connect. For Marilee and Paul Kostadimas, it has always been using travel to enhance intimacy – from the day they met on an archeological dig far from where either one of them lived. Rugged travel, luxury travel, educational travel, service-based travel, leisure...
Nov 16, 2022
It’s the 100th episode of The Intimate Marriage Podcast and we discuss why intimacy matters! I am elated to be celebrating this beautiful milestone. In honor of the occasion I invited my own coach, Anne Rose Hart, to join me. We talk about intimacy, why it matters, my zone of genius in serving couples, and the need...
Nov 9, 2022
Although I don’t typically focus on religious considerations on The Intimate Marriage Podcast, I was thrilled to have a wonderful conversation with devoted, church-going Christians Teresa and Blair Bass. They set out to make a change in the way their fellow Christians view sex and intimacy by opening a Christian sex...
Nov 2, 2022
Implementing masculine and feminine polarity teachings prohibits the cultivation of uncompromising intimacy, because they place you in a particular role that inhibits the expression who you really are. This is an outdated view on relationships and ultimately undermines the idea that the tension between “masculine”...