Jul 9, 2021
💔 Margot’s story about a polyamorous experience in her marriage 01:43
😞 Her self-esteem really plummeted. 05:13
🫂 Embracing the tense emotions: Allowing herself to grieve every day. 07:12
🤓 When you push something difficult away from you, it actually tends to stay there. 08:52
🎁 Searching for the gifts: Margot is grateful for the breakdown of her marriage. 10:20
🚪 Forgiveness is a doorway for embracing a place of gratitude. 15:49
🎯 Emotions are natural, we need to embrace them, even the “bad” ones. 18:05
🤯When the “other” woman asks: I’m having some issues with your husband, what should I do? 21:22
🥰 You can manifest your soulmate. 25:18
💃 Wearing masks in relationships vs being your true self. 33:06
📚 Margot’s book: The Golden Cage: From Entrapment to Empowerment. 33:48
📖 Her new book is about soul-based relationships vs. ego-based relationships. 34:51
Connect with Margot: https://www.margotzaher.com/
Connect with Sandee
Sandee’s book: https://sandeesgarlata.com/the-book