Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman welcomes back marketing strategist, public speaker and author David Meerman Scott to the Speaking of Wealth Show. Today's episode has David talking about his new book Marketing the Moon, gives some detail examples of people who made great use of newsjacking, and his belief in the importance of telling stories with conflict for public speaking.


Key Takeaways: 

1:25 – David talks about his reasons of why he wrote Marketing the Moon.

3:58 – David explains newsjacking by talking what Trent Silver did with his CashForPurses.

6:59 – David talks about how Joe Payne made a nine million blog post by newsjacking.

11:02 – David explains the importance about having relevant news to tie in your business.

15:14 – The most important tip about public speaking is telling stories to your audience.

18:09 – Conflict is essential for a captivating story telling without it people won't bother listening.

21:28 – David try to help people with their internal fear and conflict of social media by using stories.


Mentioned in this episode:

Marketing the Moon by David Meerman Scott

Trent Silver's CashForPurses

Joe Payne


The New Rules of Selling

Direct download: SOW2019520David20Meerman20Scott.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:52am EST