Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Robert K. Tanenbaum is the author of 31 books – 28 novels and three non-fiction books. Over 14 million copies of those 31 books are in circulation, something very few authors can say. Robert served two terms as Mayor of Beverly Hills and is a member of the State Bars of New York, California, and Pennsylvania. He has also taught at the Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley.

Robert and Jason Hartman talk about his book Fatal Conceit, as well as our dysfunctional legal system.

Key Takeaways:

[3:25] How our legal system needs to be revamped

[6:50] The prosecution has an easy job when everything is done properly

[11:03] Whether prosecutors should face consequences when a case is overturned

[13:17] Some steps to take to fix the legal system

[17:02] Several troubling signs that were ignored by the government when investigating Lee Harvey Oswald's shooting of President Kennedy.

[19:01] How Benghazi and Fatal Conceit correlate

[22:55] Writing from experience is how Robert's been able to sell so many books



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