Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 106, originally published in October 2013.

Kristi Hines is a highly sought after writer, blogger, and social media commentator who's expertise in creating high quality content for business and corporate blogs has elevated the sales and status of many companies. Hines focuses on teaching businesses the right formula to educate their customers while increasing their sales. She's been featured on an impressive list of the top info marketing websites including Social Media Examiner, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, KISSmetrics, Unbounce, and CrazyEgg.

Kristi's home base for her personal and professional blog is called "Kikolani," which covers blog marketing and blogging tips for personal, professional, and business bloggers to succeed in search and social media marketing. 




Direct download: SW_334_FBF_Kristi_Hines.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:52am EST