Speaking Of Wealth with Jason Hartman

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 92, originally published in September 2013.

Born in Zimbabwe, Gary Bembridge has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Natal-Kwazulu (South Africa) and has been based in London since 1987. During his varied career he held roles as diverse as the Global Vice President Marketing for the iconic Johnson’s Baby brand, the Global Vice President of eBusiness and the Global Vice President of the RoC Anti-Age Skincare.  

He now consults, talks, runs training programs, blogs, podcasts, and writes on his main interests of brand building, positioning and differentiation through his company "Gary Bembridge Unleashed".

Gary’s Unleashed on Marketing Podcast won awards in the European Podcast Awards in 2010, 2011 and 2012. 


Marketing Mix Man Podcast


Direct download: SW_351_FBF_Gary_Bembridge.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST