American Monetary Association

Jason Hartman interviews Matthew Gould of Matthew Gould talks about different domain extensions that liken themselves to early adopters of the new decentralized web. Is China launching its own digital currency with a higher transaction speed, and could this affect the dollar? Gould works to ensure that the people, not the government or the big-tech corporations, get to define the internet in the modern world.  

Key Takeaways:

[2:20] People can move cryptocurrency around easier with over 50 different cryptos. 

[3:30] Gould speaks on the free speech concerns online. 

[6:15] What is DNS? 

[8:40] Is there a modern, blockchain, free speech-oriented hosting platform?

[10:00] Who gets to define what the internet will look like in the future?

[13:00] How are tech institutions a lack of government action?

[16:45] In the 1970s, the US had the best banking system in the world, ex: settlement speed and accuracy. 



Direct download: AMA_Blockchain_Domains__Unstoppable_Domains_with_Matthew_Gould.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST