American Monetary Association

The worlds of cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding can work in harmony, but the world of the long term cryptocurrency lover and day traders may not be so harmonious.

Jason Hartman talks with David Drake, founder of LDJ Capital, about what's going on in the cryptocurrency world, regulations on the ICO market, and how currencies like Bitcoin might be incorporated into international currency baskets.

Key Takeaways:

[3:33] What kind of regulations do ICOs have?

[8:13] Cryptocurrencies are now seeing two worlds collide: the old guard of people who are buying and holding versus the hedge funds coming in to trade and make money quickly

[12:12] G7 might put Bitcoin into their currency baskets because they're anti-inflationary

[15:07] Can cryptocurrencies overcome any potential opposition from governments and central banks?


Direct download: AMA_228_David_Drake.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53pm EST