Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman does episode 1024 from the bow of a yacht outside of Croatia with Venture Alliance member Carmen. The two discuss inflation's impact on everything from our savings to our real estate, how to deal with trolls in business (and the lawsuits that inevitably follow), and the need for a side hustle.

In the second half of the show Carmen and Jason discuss her Amazon business, which includes how Carmen sources product, the trials of selling on Amazon, and how your business should evolve over time to stay relevant.

Key Takeaways:

[6:13] Inflation destroys the value of our savings, but thankfully it also destroys our (real estate) debt too

[9:41] Technology is making office and retail real estate almost irrelevant

[12:44] Why Jason let someone not pay him on a note for 11 years

[16:10] Are patents even worth it these days with the speed of the world?

[20:58] Life is messy, it's how you handle it that's important. Stay away from the get rich quick stuff.

[25:15] Get a side hustle if for no other reason than to have more tax writeofffs

[31:28] You have to evolve with your business

[36:41] Outlets like Amazon have allowed control of the marketplace to leave board rooms and let individuals call the shots


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