Wed, 6 February 2019
Jason Hartman has been in the Baton Rouge market before, but haven't been there for a while. Now, however, an old LMS is back with new, built-to-rent, construction that provides some solid return on investment. Jason talks to him about why he's back in Baton Rouge, what the new construction looks like, and the pervasiveness of institutional investors that drove him out of the Atlanta market. Prior to the market profile, however, Jason talks about the concept of iterations, and why it's so important to not get discouraged over initial failure. You have to learn to constantly improve and always be searching for your advantage. Key Takeaways: [2:26] The concept of iteration [7:12] We need to stop believing we're going to get things right the first time we do them [13:20] If you never have the hard times you can't appreciate the good [15:18] Give your kids roots, but make sure you also give them wings Baton Rouge LMS Interview: [19:49] What kind of properties are being built in this round of inventory [24:51] Every apartment complex is a build-to-rent deal, but single family build-to-rent is becoming a bigger and bigger market [27:31] Institutional investors come in with massive amounts of capital that has to be deployed quickly, and it has led them to accept lower returns [31:25] Are any of the new properties assisted housing? Website: |