Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Join host Jason Hartman and, not one, but TWO special guests on episode #354 of The Creating Wealth Show. First up is Jason’s mom, who returns to the show for the third time (by popular demand) to discuss the idea of grit when it comes to life in general and income property investing in specific. The question they bat around is “What makes for a successful property investor and successful human being, and what does grit mean anyway?” You won’t want to miss her story about a recent eviction she undertook on a California property tenant, nor how her life’s passion of living in a mansion with columns came to pass.


Following his mom’s segment, Jason welcomes credit repair expert, Steve Paige, to the telephone. Steve has logged almost three decades in the trenches in helping consumers understand the fact, fiction, and misconceptions that abound in the credit report score industry. Steve is, by far, the nation's leading credit pathologist. He founded three of the nation's largest credit repair firms and, in the process, revolutionized the approach to consumer credit issues by focusing on re-scoring techniques rather than credit report manipulation and repair, the results of which produce far greater benefits— for less money.


Listen in as Steve explodes some of the myths that could be decimating your ability to obtain a loan right now.


In This Episode (with Jason’s mom):

  • How Jason’s mom used grit to get rid of all her property managers and do the work herself
  • The quick and easy way to evict a tenant in California  
  • The danger of finding success too early in life
  • The TED video that exposes the truth about IQ and learning


In This Episode (with Steve Paige):

  • Why you should cover your wallet and run from a credit repair company that wants to write letters to bureaus on your behalf
  • The RIGHT way to get your annual credit reports
  • How to make the credit bureaus respond to your challenges
  • Only 2% of the general public can name this
  • How banks and credit card companies are exploiting you
  • The one critical website to know for credit repair
Direct download: cw-354-StevePaige.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:29pm EST