Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

To introduce today’s Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman considers the changes the role of disintermediation has brought about in terms of consumer empowerment, before inviting another attendee of the Birmingham, Alabama Property Tour to share his real estate experience. Scott from Washington DC is an experienced investor who is interesting in branching out and expanding his portfolio into new markets. His main query for Jason is ‘How can I maximize my depreciation in commercial and residential properties?’


Later, Jason interviews director and producer, John Sullivan, the brains behind 2016: Obama’s America, America: Imagine The World Without Her and his latest film, Unfair: Exposing the IRS. They discuss many of the issues arising in the various movies as well as touching upon broader topics such as the growing anti-American sentiment and the impact of people’s ideologies and philosophies. 


Key Takeaways

02.25 – By becoming a Member before registering for any of Jason Hartman’s events, you can take advantage of huge members’ discounts.

09.11 – Thanks to changes in technology and society, more power is in the hands of the consumer.

16.00 – A big drawback of commercial properties is the much longer depreciation time (39.5 years to the 27.5 years of residential properties).

18.30 – Jason Hartman gives his guest and his listeners some advice on maximizing their depreciation.

22.53 – Unfair: Exposing the IRS takes what we think we know about the IRS and delves even deeper into it.

28.00 – With so many new laws created every year, how can anyone keep to every single law every day?

32.20 – Among Americans, especially students, the perception of America itself seems to be changing.

34.05 – Jason Hartman asks the key question: What would the world be like without America?

26.10 – John Sullivan poses the interesting notion that the main anti-America sentiment is home-grown and has a fairly recent historical stem.

39.30 – The philosophies and ideologies of a lot of Americans are also now being thrown into disrepute.

43.24 – Find out more information about the most recent film at and about the upcoming film at


Mentioned in this episode 

America: Imagine The World Without Her – a documentary produced by John Sullivan

2016: Obama’s America – a documentary produced by John Sullivan

Unfair: Exposing the IRS - a documentary produced by John Sullivan

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed - a documentary produced by John Sullivan

Three Felonies a Day by Harvey Silverglate


The People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn

Direct download: CW_444_John_Sullivan_Rev_1.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:38am EST