Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Jason’s guest is the larger than life, Grant Cardone. Grant is a firm believer in ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’. Grant explains the inspiration behind his book, The 10X Rule, his strategy behind getting the life you want and why becoming rich is the only safe haven in today’s world. Grant recommends making your goals ten times bigger than they currently are and being willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.


Grant is a New York Times bestselling author, Executive Producer of the reality show, Turnaround King and Host of the Cardone Zone.

Key Takeaways:

[2:26] Venture Alliance Mastermind details.

[7:54] Jason and Naresh discuss the impact the self-driving car will have on real estate.


Grant Cardone Guest Interview:

[20:00] Grant’s new venture Act Like Success is based on committing first and figure the rest out later.

[25:22] The 10X Rule is based on a concept that the goals, targets and actions people are making are low based on their potential.

[27:37] How to stay excited and make your goals 10X.

[29:27] Breaking free of middle-class thinking.

[36:47] Find power in who you know not what you know.

[41:13] You have to do whatever it takes!

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Grant Cardone

Tired of Missing Sales

Cardone University

@grantcardone on Twitter

Direct download: CW_800_rant_Cardone_-_The_10X_Rule.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:39pm EDT