Tue, 19 December 2017
The GOP tax plan is looking like it's going to be going through in the near future, but with a bill this long nobody is 100% sure how it's going to impact their taxes. In the second part of their interview, Jason Hartman talks with Naresh about what Jason's seen in the tax plan that will impact income property investments and why the plan will create upward pressure on rents. The two also go into censorship in America, from YouTube to Naresh's new book, Trumpbook: How Digital Liberals Silenced A Nation Into Making America Hate Again, which he's been unable to market in traditional outlets that are advertising left leaning books. And don't forget to do your 5-year plan, record it and upload it by Christmas to enter the contest! Key Takeaways: [5:02] This tax plan will be great for real estate investors because it dis-incentivizes buying a home [8:38] The White House clip on taxation [12:05] Supply side economics works, it's not a zero sum game [18:25] The Fed is going to be raising rates six times in the next 2 years, which will be HUGE for real estate investors getting in now [22:23] The 2 things that could ruin Jason's prediction on interest rates impact [23:52] Naresh's new book, Trumpbook, is being censored by the mainstream media. Get a free copy by going to www.NareshVissa.com Website: Trumpbook: How Digital Liberals Silenced A Nation Into Making America Hate Again "Earned income by employment is always the least favorable income you can have in the US." |