Jun 25, 2015
In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Shades of Gray," Riker gets stung. Then Riker has flashbacks. Was it poison or acid in that thorn? Interestingly, it was actually a sort of parasitic or symbiotic life form that… WHO CARES? IT IS A CLIP SHOW!
Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray
Welcome to Mission Log, a...
Jun 18, 2015
In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Peak Performance," it is war-games a go-go when the Enterprise faces off against the Hathaway, a derelict ship commanded for the games by William T. Riker. Shooting, bobbing, weaving. It is all in good fun, until the Ferengi come in firing real weapons and demanding the...
Jun 11, 2015
In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "The Emissary," a couple of blasts from the past. First, an old flame of Worf’s shows up. Then, a ship full of Klingons - frozen for 75 years and looking for a fight. She’s already been stuffed in a torpedo, so it should not hurt too much.
Hosted by John Champion & Ken...
Jun 4, 2015
In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Manhunt," it is the return of Lwaxana Troi. Ostensibly on an ambassadorial mission, she is in fact a woman on the prowl. Lwaxana is going through “The Phase,” a time in the life of a Betazed woman that ratchets her sex drive to 11. She must have a husband. While her...