Mar 25, 2021
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, "Statistical Probabilities," a group of DS9 visitors have something in common with Dr. Bashir: they all are genetically altered. These unconventional people have a special insight, though, that could change the course of the Federation's war with the Dominion... as long as the...
Mar 23, 2021
Mary Chieffo (L'Rell, "Star Trek: Discovery") dropped by to give us a quick lesson on how the Klingons first appeared on Star Trek. Enjoy this preview episode, then drop by and follow Sci-Fi 5 for your daily dose of science-fiction history in just five...
Mar 18, 2021
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, "Resurrection," imagine Major Kira's surprise when Bareil just beams into Deep Space Nine one day. Then imagine everyone's surprise when they find out he's Bareil from the mirror universe. Seems like a good enough guy though, until Intendant Kira shows up. Surprise!
Hosted by...
Mar 11, 2021
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, "You Are Cordially Invited," you are cordially invited to the wedding of Jadzia Dax and Worf. Also invited are all their close friends like the Deep Space Nine crew and Martok and, unfortunately, Martok's wife who seems determined to stop this union before it can even start....
Mar 4, 2021
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, "Sacrifice of Angels," Dukat prepares to take down the minefield and execute Rom while luring Starfleet into a deadly trap. Sisko pushes through with the Defiant, but he'll need the help of some mysterious friends to call off the Dominion threat.
Hosted by John Champion &...