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Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast, explores the morals, meanings, and messages in every episode of Star Trek.

Oct 25, 2012

In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, "The Menagerie, Part I & II", the cast of Star Trek watches the original pilot for Star Trek. Loyalty, compassion and what might have been are examined.

Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray

Welcome to Mission Log, a Roddenberry Entertainment podcast where we explore the Star...

Oct 18, 2012

n the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, “The Corbomite Maneuver”, a scary looking alien gives the Enterprise a lot of grief, but Kirk has a way out.

Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray

Welcome to Mission Log, a Roddenberry Entertainment podcast where we explore the Star Trek universe one episode at a time....

Oct 11, 2012

In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, “Dagger of the Mind”, sometimes memories light the corners of the mind. Other times lights steal memories. This Mission Log finds the Enterprise running into another mad scientist wielding a "Dagger of the Mind".

Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray

Welcome to Mission Log,...

Oct 4, 2012

In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, “Miri”, a planet, a plague and a group of 300 year old truants. Throw in an Enterprise away team and what have you got? 

Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray

Welcome to Mission Log, a Roddenberry Entertainment podcast where we explore the Star Trek universe one episode at...