Mar 27, 2014
In Star Trek: The Animated Series season 1, episodes 5-6, "More Tribbles, More Troubles" is a cartoon sequel to an original series episode. Then, life's tough for a space squid with serious empathy when the Enterprise meets "The Survivor"!
Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray
Welcome to Mission Log, a...
Mar 20, 2014
In Star Trek: The Animated Series season 1, episodes 3-4, Ken and John tackle “One of Our Planets is Missing” and “The Lorelei Signal”. Grab your cereal bowl and your favorite action figure!
Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray
Welcome to Mission Log, a Roddenberry Entertainment podcast, where we explore the Star...
Mar 13, 2014
In Star Trek: The Animated Series season 1, episodes 1-2, there is loneliness found "Beyond the Farthest Star" and growing up is tough in "Yesteryear." Join John and Ken as they boldly go into Star Trek: The Animated Series!
Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray
Welcome to Mission Log, a Roddenberry Entertainment podcast,...
Mar 10, 2014
Outspoken, sometimes controversial, a wealth of Star Trek knowledge - these are some of the words used to describe Richard Arnold, the man who was Gene Roddenberry’s assistant and archivist. John and Ken got to sit down with Richard a few weeks back to talk over the original series, the next generation, the animated...
Mar 6, 2014
Wrapping up the TOS wrap-up shows with a host of guests. Joining John and Ken today, Mike and Denise Okuda, Vic Mignogna of Star Trek Continues, and Phil Plait - AKA The Bad Astronomer. Plus conversations with four Mission Log listeners!
Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray
Welcome to Mission Log, a...