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Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast, explores the morals, meanings, and messages in every episode of Star Trek.

Jun 29, 2017

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Timescape," a rift in the space-time continuum freezes the Enterprise and a Romulan warbird in battle... or so it looks to Picard, Data, Troi and LaForge from the outside. When they dig a little deeper, they find all that timey-wimey stuff may not be exactly as it seems....

Jun 22, 2017

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Second Chances," Riker adores a jazz quartet, the holodeck, and has Troi regret... and so does the other Riker.

Hosted by John Champion & Ken Ray

Welcome to Mission Log, a Roddenberry Entertainment podcast, where we explore the Star Trek universe one episode at a time....

Jun 15, 2017

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Rightful Heir," he's been gone for 15 centuries, but Kahless, the spiritual leader of the Klingons is back! He's ready to lead his people back to peace and glory, and he wants Worf's help to do it. Only he might not be Kahless, and Worf might be seriously questioning his...

Jun 8, 2017

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Suspicions," Dr. Reyga, a Ferengi scientist, has invented a type of shielding which could allow a spacecraft to safely enter a star's corona. Testing it on board one of the Enterprise's shuttles leaves a fellow scientist dead followed shortly by Reyga himself. It's up to...

Jun 1, 2017

On this supplemental edition of Mission Log, John and Ken formally introduce you to Women at Warp and Priority One - founding members of the Roddenberry Podcast Network. Plus everybody goes to the Disco, which Ken INSISTS is short for Discovery. Members of all three podcasts discuss the trailer for Star Trek Discovery....