Mar 12, 2020
We finish our long deep dive into Velikovsky's Earth in Upheaval
with this 6th installment of the series. In this episode we look at
fossil plants and insects preserved in coal seams, seemingly
shredded into small pieces yet preserved so well that the color of
the insects is intact and leaves still contain chlorophyll. We also
look into the mystery of the formation of coal itself, and how
there are often dozens or even hundreds of layers of coal separated
by layers of marine sediment.
Near the end of the book, Velikovsky again takes a look at the
works of Charles Darwin and the problems of speciation in evolution
by the mechanism of natural selection, and the assumptions about
"missing evidence in the geological record" that must be made in
order to make the uniformitarian view work.
We also open some great 1-Up boxes and read some emails, and Kyle
reads a couple of very interesting space related articles.