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Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast

Nov 29, 2023

My beautiful friend Chris Rich at shares some love and relationship insights about mixed faith relationships.

Listen to hear Chris' insights and her thoughts about her mother-in-law and her daughter too.

Get the full shownotes and more information here:

Nov 22, 2023

Give yourself the present of being present🎁

Take a listen to hear 3 easy ways to be present now at

🌟Black Friday and Cyber Monday are this week.  From NOW - November 27th, you can join Lovin My Daughter-in-law Program for only $29.  This gives you access to everything in the...

Nov 15, 2023

Have y'all seen the movie A Million Miles Away?  
So Good!

Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast to hear how a migrant farmer become an astronaut, and his Dad's 5 life ingreadients that he believes are necessary items for success.

🌟Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming next week.  For the week of...

Nov 8, 2023

Brené Brown shares, "comparison says be like everyone else, but better.  It's not be yourself and respect others for being authentic.  It's fit in, but win."

🌟Listen to these 5 Tips for making comparison a positive force rather than a negative force in your life.

Get the full shownotes and more information here:

Nov 1, 2023

My beautiful friend Kim Weinreb shares love and relationship insights today on Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast.

Kim helps parents who have teens with special needs transition from childhood support & services into adult support & services, which in the special needs world is very complicated. 

More information at: