Sep 14, 2022
Listen to how a race car pit crew can help discover your purpose~
You're listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast, where you'll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sized tidbit of love ~ 'm your host, LeAnn Austin
Hey y'all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode #33: Pit Crew & Purpose
Have you ever heard the quote: "Comparison is the thief of joy?" I think that's a pretty common one, that is credited to Theodore Roosevelt. And I agree, when we compare, we despair. Comparison blocks inspiration, clouds our judgment, and feels discouraging.
I recently heard Brooke Snow talk about comparison in a way I'd never heard before, and it really resonated with me. It also reminded me of going to the drag races with Jeff. So those of you who have an appreciation for fast cars, this is a fascinating perspective.
Think about a race car pit crew. Apparently at some point in the course of a long car race, a race car driver wears down the tires of the car and the tires need to be changed. The changing tires doesn't stop the clock from ticking. The driver needs all four tires changed as fast as possible, so they can get right back on the track.
Enter the pick crew. A team of 20 guys and gals, at the ready, who astonishingly change all four tires of the car in less than two seconds. This is a magnificent display of teamwork, focus, and precision. Every person has a very specific purpose. Each member of the pit crew does one job.
On each tire, one person removes the bolt, another removes the tire, another puts the new tire on, one person jacks the front, another person jacks the back, one person on each side holds the car steady, and there are spare people in place in case something fails. They work as a team. It is beautiful and brilliant. What they accomplish all together is far better than what they can accomplish separately.
But just think how fast this would all fall apart, if the front tire person started watching the rear tire person. Just glancing away would cost precious time for everyone. What if the guy or gal started saying, "Hey, that guy yanks off the tire so much better than I do." What if the tire person looked at the person holding the car steady and thought, "wow, their job is better than mine, all I do is yank off a tire."
Every single one of these jobs is completely vital to success. Every single one. If one person gets distracted, or starts to doubt or compare, then it's downhill for everyone. You can't do all the jobs, but you can do your part really well.
What if we look at other people as teammates, rather than competitors? What if we're all in this together and we need each other? What if the part we play matters and we matter? It's human nature to compare ourselves, but the more we are aware of what we're thinking, and we accept ourselves right where we are, meaning we know the part we play and we know our purpose. That gives us the power to get out of the stuck, to stop beating ourselves up, and to appreciate all the wonderful things we do now.
I love the quote by Bob Goff: "We won't be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose." Hmmm, something to think about.
Have a good one y'all ~ and here's to knowing our unique purpose, that we matter, and love. If you're enjoying this podcast, please share and leave a review to help others hear tidbits of love.
Do you have a daughter-in-law? I have two. They are amazing, and I love and adore them, but that wasn't always the case. Whether you love your daughter-in-law already and know there's space for the relationship to become even better than it is. Or, you're really struggling with your daughter-in-law, and you feel anxious, worried, or angry every time you're together, or even thinking about her. This Lovin My DIL course is for you.
This course that I created includes years of experience with my daughters-in-law, life coach training, and lots of love and inspiration. Everything I've used to have a beautiful relationship with my daughters-in-law, and I'm sharing it with you.
These five secrets will allow you to stop walking on eggshells, be less worried and anxious whenever you're with or even thinking about your daughter-in-law, and have the loving relationship you truly desire. Click the link in the show notes. And if you purchase now, you'll receive a special bonus.
Here's to Lovin My DIL y'all, have a good one.