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Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast

Sep 21, 2022

A tidbit of my coaching journey ~ Thank you Jody Moore💗

You're listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast, where you'll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sized tidbit of love ~ I'm your host, LeAnn Austin 

Hey y'all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode #34: Better Than Happy 

In 2018, I had a friend suggest that I listen to a podcast. Now back then, I didn't even know what a podcast was. So I was trying to figure out how to get this podcast, she said, "Better Than Happy" by Jody Moore.  And I figured it out and I loved it. I binged listened to all the podcasts that Jody Moore had created. And I went to her Be Bold event in Spokane, Washington. And I decided I wanted to be a life coach because she taught me what it.

So she started my amazing journey that has led me to where I'm at now.  That has led me to having my own podcast "Love Tidbits". So many things have happened because of the things Jody Moore has done and taught me. And I will forever be grateful to her.  

Well, recently she wrote a book called "Better Than Happy". I love this book. This book is one you want to buy and highlight and read multiple times, because there are countless gold nuggets in this book. 

So two things that I just want to scratch the surface on today from this book are, well, first of all, let me tell you. Basically Better Than Happy, it also says, "connecting with divinity through conscious thinking."

So Jody basically says, "thinking consciously means taking a look at your thoughts and then deliberately choosing what you want to think instead of settling for the default thoughts your brain offers." So this is a faith based book, whatever religion you are. There's so many faith concepts tied into this, and conscious thinking. So again, highly recommend it. 

But the two things that I wanted to mention from this book are; the first, agency.  Robert D Hales said, "Agency is the catalyst that leads us to express our inward spiritual desires in outward Christlike behavior. Agency permits us to make faithful, obedient choices that strengthen us so that we can lift and strengthen others. Agency used righteously allows light to dispel the darkness and enables us to live with joy and happiness in the present, look with faith to the future, even into the eternities, and not dwell on the things of the past.  Our use of agency determines who we are and what we will be." 

So most of us understand the importance of agency. Now, sometimes we like having agency and sometimes not so much, especially sometimes we wish other people in our life didn't have agency, but we do. And so Jody shares ways to help us get better at focusing more on controlling our own agency, and less on trying to control the agency of others. Cause we can't do that. We can't control others. 

She says, "we can be so focused on how other people are using their agency, that we neglect to consider how we want to use ours. We can delegate our choices to the automatic, unconscious part of our brain and just react to life and the people around us, or we can deliberately choose who we will be in any given circumstance."

We get to decide if we're going to judge others, or if we're going to love others.  We get to choose whether we're going to be critical or curious. So think about who do we want to be? 

The other little nugget I wanted to touch on is forgiveness. How do we forgive people? And how do we forgive ourselves?  One of my favorite questions that I love and use often, and Jody shares as well is, What would love do?  

Love is considering everyone involved. Sometimes love says no. Sometimes love sets boundaries. Love is wise and kind, and love always tells the truth. Love says, "sometimes I feel hurt when I think about what happened in the past." But love also says, "I just want to let it go." 

So forgiveness is not something you do. It's something that happens internally because it comes from your thoughts. Forgiveness is a belief system that creates a feeling of love, or at least curiosity.  Remember, trying to love someone who you believe has wronged you in some way, will be challenging if you aren't loving yourself first.  Again, consider asking the question, What would loving me and loving everyone involved do?

Y'all know that loving ourselves is dear to my heart. And it's the focus of my life and my business. I believe the two great commandments, which technically there's three: Love God, Love Others. Love Me., encompass everything we need to do in this life. 

Jody shares a quote that I love,  "Once you get good at being compassionate with yourself, loving other people is easy."  Hmmm, something to think about. 

This is what I do every day. I help people get good at being compassionate with themselves. Join my Lovin Me program, and become an expert at loving you. 

Have a good one y'all, and here's to Better Than Happy and love. 

Do you have a daughter-in-law? I have two. They are amazing, and I love and adore them, but that wasn't always the case. Whether you love your daughter-in-law already and know there's space for the relationship to become even better than it is.  Or, you're really struggling with your daughter-in-law, and you feel anxious, worried, or angry every time you're together or even thinking about her.

This Lovin My DIL course is for you. This course that I created includes years of experience with my daughters-in-law life, coach training, and lots of love and inspiration. Everything I've used to have a beautiful relationship with my daughters-in-law, and I'm sharing it with you. 

These five secrets will allow you to stop walking on eggshells, be less worried and anxious whenever you're with, or even thinking about your daughter-in-law, and have the loving relationship you truly desire. Click the link in the show notes, and if you purchase now, you'll receive a special bonus.  Here's to Lovin My DIL y'all, have a good one.