Dec 22, 2022
Charlie Hull is the Managing Consultant at OpenSource Connections, a search, discovery, and analytics firm focusing on software development and technology consulting. He is the co-author of Searching the Enterprise and is a member of the Search Network, a group of independent search professionals who release regular, free reports on search. Before joining OpenSource, Charlie was the Owner and Managing Director of Flax, which provided high-performance search engine technology for media monitoring systems.
With the surge in eCommerce, users have turned to onsite search to streamline the shopping process. Yet, search is highly inaccurate, with discrepancies in search terms between consumers and brands. So, how can you structure your search content to improve the onsite search experience?
According to search expert Charlie Hull, the most fundamental step you should take when optimizing search results is analyzing your queries to measure the quality of each search term. This allows you to recognize the common search terms consumers are using and update your search engines and product descriptions to reflect them. Charlie emphasizes the value of hiring an in-house search team to evaluate search platforms, gain control over your search terms, and make informed decisions.
In this episode of The Digital Deep Dive, Aaron Conant speaks with Charlie Hull, Managing Consultant at OpenSource Connections, about improving onsite search. Charlie also explains the challenges of onsite search, how to structure content to improve onsite search, and strategies for optimizing and evaluating search engines.