Jun 29, 2022
As we continue our PD Myth Bust mini-series Dr. Hyland debunks common myths and misconceptions about Parkinson's Disease. In episode 6, we will dive into the statement or idea that other than medication there isn't much you can do to help Parkinson's disease.
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Jun 22, 2022
As we continue our PD Myth Bust mini-series Dr. Hyland debunks common myths and misconceptions about Parkinson's Disease. In episode 5, we ask the question "Is DBS experimental treatment?"
Please see the DBS Fact Sheet from APDA here.
Please support this podcast and our endeavors by becoming a co-producer of the...
Jun 15, 2022
As we continue our PD Myth Bust mini-series Dr. Hyland debunks common myths and misconceptions about Parkinson's Disease. In episode 4, the focus will be on the statement that Parkinson's Disease is FATAL...
Please support this podcast and our endeavors by becoming a co-producer of the show! Sign up as a Patreon...
Jun 8, 2022
As we continue our PD Myth Bust mini-series Dr. Hyland debunks common myths and misconceptions about Parkinson's Disease. In episode 3, we cover the myth that Parkinson's Disease is only a movement or motor disorder.
Please support this podcast and our endeavors by becoming a co-producer of the show! Sign up as a...
Jun 1, 2022
As we continue our PD Myth Bust mini-series Dr. Hyland debunks common myths and misconceptions about Parkinson's Disease. In episode 2, we cover the myth that everybody with Parkinson's Disease has a tremor.
Please support this podcast and our endeavors by becoming a co-producer of the show! Sign up as a Patreon...