Jan 26, 2022
In this first episode we introduce your host Dr. Michael Hyland, Physical Therapist. Dr. Hyland earned a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in 2012 and became certified in LSVT BIG for Parkinson's in 2013. In 2019 Dr. Hyland started exclusively treating persons with PD in his practice Hyland Physical Therapy and Wellness, located in Broken Arrow, OK with the goal of being the preferred provider of therpy services for Persons with PD in the area. https://www.hylandpt.com Please be sure to consider checking out our YouTube channel for more Parkinson's educational materials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0g3abv8hkaqZbGD8y1dfYQ Finally, please help to support this podcast and our efforts to educate people with Parkinson's all over the world by becoming a Patron. Here is our Patreon link.