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Jeep Beach News & Views

May 15, 2023

Nichole Krieger-VP and Executive Director of the NASCAR Foundation stops by to share with us the HUGE event going on from Tuesday-Friday...(drum roll please)...the NASCAR Day Giveathon!  Created in honor of NASCAR's 75th Anniversary, the NASCAR Day Giveathon is a 75 hour online giveaway campaign to raise funds...

May 11, 2023

You get a little bit of a whole lot in this episode--From Char and Kurt's info on the accident with the Lost Shaker to Producer Rob's quest for new tires to Producer Ed stopping by with HUGE news about Jeep Beach Radio's listener numbers.  Find out info about the Jeep Beach website and app, and hotel info for JB24...

May 4, 2023

Well that's a wrap!  So many to thank--it would take hours of thanks to get through just SOME of those that helped make our 20th Anniversay celebration sooooo successful, so why don't we start with this 27 mnute review of the fun we had last week!  In this podcast you'll get tidbits of what's happening in the future as...