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Jeep Beach News & Views

Jan 5, 2023

Wow is there a LOT of info in this episode!  Happy New Year JB Nation--as we get closer to our 20th anniversary event (only 4 months away!)--Charlene and Kurt discuss a wide variety of topics.  Info on the Jeep Drawing, music entertainment, Beach driving, Preferred Restaruants and Givebacks, Vendors, Obsticle Course, and Red Rankin along with Mike Mills join us to discuss a NEW event for Jeep Beach--CLUB ROW PARKING!  If you're in a Jeep club you REALLY want to listen to the info that Red shares with us.  Your Jeep club might just walk away with a very nice donation to your favorite charity just for "tailgating" with your members!  Remember to listen to Jeep Beach Radio for even more info on all things Jeep Beach--especially since we're getting ready to reveal more details of the event.  Podcasts are weekly but JBR is 24/7.  Like JBR on Facebook and Instagram too for behind the scenes shenanigans and JB 23 tidbits!