Feb 28, 2010
DNDS-917 – our final roundtable podcast from this winter’s D&D&Me experiment. we have yvonne, angie, ellen, and sean chatting with us about their trip as well as a very special story from ellen and sean. we’re a little drunk in this episode, so don’t judge us! big news coming up in the next episode! don’t…
Feb 27, 2010
our neighbor hatch shows us the finer skills in iguana catching. they’re also fondly referred to as tree chickens since i hear they’re delicious when barbequed. no iguanas were harmed during the filming of this podcast, only one guy’s leg a bit. DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO HERE call us @ 206-666-3825 leave feedback in...
Feb 22, 2010
DNDS-916 – we’re winding down for the day and wanted to share a few tidbits about what’s been going on. lots of exciting news coming in the next few shows, but this one you can hear all about dawn whipping drew in the junk with a wet towel, and also about how drew saved doobie’s… Continue reading
Feb 17, 2010
DNDS-915 – we’re talking with ryan this episode who came out for a visit from frigid chicago, he mostly played with monkeys and snorkeled, but he also went horseback riding. hear all about it, plus some hints at some upcoming announcements sprinkled here and there . don’t forget to order your copy of the...
Feb 5, 2010
DNDS-914 – we’re just waking up when we recorded this episode, after a possible life changing day yesterday. listen in and find out why. plus we’ve figured out why dawn can’t poop on a regular basis! all that an more on today’s episode, as well as a new valentine offer from our sponsor, Adam &… Continue...