Nov 28, 2011
The Dawn and Drew Show! #977 our love of animals has it’s way of paying us back, and with our farm cat peanut2 it’s no different, plus dawn has a rasputina story she remembers after we hear ronkat intro the show. this episode is brought to you by Tastefully Simple become a D&D sponsor!…
Nov 20, 2011
The Dawn and Drew Show! #976 our friend WTF Chuck is on today’s show sharing in on of the many Rasputina road stories now known as “the incident”. listen in and try not to get grossed out. this episode is brought to you by Tastefully Simple become a D&D sponsor! DOWNLOAD THE DNDS-976 MP3…
Nov 18, 2011
The Dawn and Drew Show! #975 dawn’s back from her latest rasputina tour and she’s got lots of stories to tell. the first one is about the crazy drive from boston to new york in a snow storm. this episode is Mega Mega Mega! please support our sponsors, it really helps! Adam and Eve use… Continue reading
Nov 2, 2011
Nerd Moment #48 – @drewdomkus welcome’s bill rude (@atomicboy) to talk about lots of nerdy topics: bill’s his art show going on until 11/7 dawn-a-pa-drew-za Griffin’s HELO TC (listen to how you can win one!) PenGo stylus Steve Jobs biography 11.01.11 – one of the last binary dates our new Nerd Moment FaceBook...