May 30, 2015
Join us as we head to the airport in a fancy Jaguar so that Dawn can catch her plane to meet up with Encar in New York! It’s a 10 min video just for you awesome PP Club members, so use this URL to download and watch.
May 23, 2015
DNDS-1060.mp3 The Dawn and Drew Show! #1060 Join us on a drive to the airport as we record in our mobile studio. DAWNANDDREW.COM/PPCLUB Thanks to Adam & Eve for the continued support! Use the code D A W N and save big! Or simply bookmark Thanks to for the affiliation, please bookmark...
May 20, 2015
We’re celebrating Taco Tuesday and elaborating a little bit on our latest Happy Hovel update.
May 18, 2015
We’ve been busy trying to restore our old farm house and boy is it a lot of work! We’ve uncovered a massive stone walkway and we’re also exposing the log and chink house that’s underneath our wood siding.
May 12, 2015
Machine Gun Preacher – Sam Childers is a former drug-dealing biker tough guy who found God and became a crusader for hundreds of Sudanese children who’ve been forced to become soldiers. Find God and justify killing lots of people… Another movie that could have been improved if you trimmed almost half of it. For...